@phdthesis{digilib22581, month = {July}, title = {RANCANG BANGUN ALAT HITUNG BENIH IKAN BERBASIS INFRAMERAH, SENSOR PHOTODIODA, DAN MIKROKONTROLER ARDUINO UNO}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA}, author = {NIM. 09620014 R Taufik Wahyu Nugraha}, year = {2016}, note = {Frida Agung Rakhmadi, M.Sc}, keywords = {benih ikan,photodioda, arduino uno, fish seed, photodiode, arduino uno.}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/22581/}, abstract = {This research is development of fish seed counter based on infrared, photodiode sensor and arduino uno microcontroller has been done. The purpose of this research is to make and characterize of data acquisition system and also to build and test the fish seed counter using by infrared and photodiode sensor. The research was conducted in four phases manufacturing of data acquisition system, characterization of data acquisition system, manufacturing of fish seed counter system and implementation of fish seed counter system to samples. Output system of data aquisition on the condition no fish seed (4,726 {$\pm$} 0,007) volt however on the condition has fish seed for (0,331 {$\pm$} 0,003) volt. The result by system of fish seed counter showed the success under 60 fish is 100\% seeds, and level of success for 70 fish seeds are 90\%, 80 fish seeds are 90 \%, 90 fish seeds are 80 \% and for 100 fish seeds are 70\%. Keywords : fish seed, photodiode, arduino uno. ABSTRAK Penelitian tentang rancang bangun alat hitung benih ikan ikan berbasis inframerah, sensor photodioda, dan mikrokontroler arduino uno telah dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat dan mengkarakterisasi sistem akuisisi data serta membuat dan menguji alat hitung benih ikan menggunakan inframerah dan sensor photodioda. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui empat tahapan yakni pembuatan sistem akuisisi data, karakterisasi sistem akuisisi data, pembuatan sistem alat hitung benih ikan dan implementasi sistem alat hitung benih ikan pada sampel uji. Output sistem akuisisi data pada kondisi tidak ada benih ikan sebesar (4,726 {$\pm$} 0,007) volt sedangkan pada kondisi ada benih ikan sebesar (0,331 {$\pm$} 0,003) volt. Hasil pengujian sistem alat hitung benih ikan menunjukkan keberhasilan 100\% untuk jumlah ikan dibawah 60 ekor, sedangkan untuk jumlah benih ikan 70 ekor keberhasilannya 90\%, 80 ekor keberhasilannya 90\%, 90 ekor keberhasilannya 90\%, 90 ekor keberhasilannya 80\% dan 100 ekor keberhasilannya 70\%. Kata kunci: benih ikan,photodioda, arduino uno.} }