<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "QASAS AL-QUR`ĀN DALAM SUDUT PANDANG\r\nPRINSIP-PRINSIP STRUKTURALISME DAN NARASI\r\n(Pengantar Studi Sastra Narasi al-Qur`an)"^^ . "Literary appreciation to the Koran becomes a fundamental\r\nidea in this study. Literary appreciation is used, because the\r\nKoran is a glorious Arabic literary bible which is strongly\r\nbelieved in its perfection and beauty. The object of this\r\nparadigm is not the unwritten words of Allah, but that of\r\nAllah that have been recorded in Arabic media, written in\r\nmus}h}af, and communicated by human being. The main\r\ngoals of this study are analyzing qa�a� al-Qur’ān from the\r\naspect of principal structuralism and narrative theory.\r\nAnalyzing qa�a� al-Qur’ān from this view is in harmony\r\nwith tartīb al-āyāt theory and unity story theory by surah of\r\nKhalafullāh, and Qu�b narration of classification. This\r\nanalysis proposes three classifications of qa�a� al-Qur’ān and\r\nthey are different from, for example, Manna’ al-Qa��ān,\r\nMus�afā Sulaimān, Khalafullāh, yet they share something in\r\ncommon with classification of Qu�b. These classifications\r\nare: the first is one narration in one surah, the second is the\r\ncollection of short narrations in a sequence of the surah, and\r\nthe third is the collection of short narration in non-sequence\r\nof surah. These classifications become in harmony with the\r\nKoranic order, which collects its verses in one surah, in\r\nstead of collecting themes from various surah.\r\nKata kunci : qasas al-Qur`ān; strukturalisme; narasi al-Qur’ān"^^ . "2009-06-01" . . "Vol.8" . "No. 1" . . "Fakultas Adab dan Ilmu Budaya UIN Sunan Kalijaga"^^ . . . "ADABIYYAT"^^ . . . "14123509" . . . . . . . "Moh. Wakhid"^^ . "Hidayat"^^ . "Moh. Wakhid Hidayat"^^ . . . . . . "QASAS AL-QUR`ĀN DALAM SUDUT PANDANG\r\nPRINSIP-PRINSIP STRUKTURALISME DAN NARASI\r\n(Pengantar Studi Sastra Narasi al-Qur`an) (Text)"^^ . . . "Moh. Wakhid Hidayat- QASAS AL-QUR'AN DALAM SUDUT PANDANG PRINSIP-PRINSIP STRUKTURALISME DAN NARASI (Pengantar Studi Sastra Narasi al-Qur'an).pdf"^^ . . . "QASAS AL-QUR`ĀN DALAM SUDUT PANDANG\r\nPRINSIP-PRINSIP STRUKTURALISME DAN NARASI\r\n(Pengantar Studi Sastra Narasi al-Qur`an) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "QASAS AL-QUR`ĀN DALAM SUDUT PANDANG\r\nPRINSIP-PRINSIP STRUKTURALISME DAN NARASI\r\n(Pengantar Studi Sastra Narasi al-Qur`an) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "QASAS AL-QUR`ĀN DALAM SUDUT PANDANG\r\nPRINSIP-PRINSIP STRUKTURALISME DAN NARASI\r\n(Pengantar Studi Sastra Narasi al-Qur`an) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "QASAS AL-QUR`ĀN DALAM SUDUT PANDANG\r\nPRINSIP-PRINSIP STRUKTURALISME DAN NARASI\r\n(Pengantar Studi Sastra Narasi al-Qur`an) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . "HTML Summary of #22583 \n\nQASAS AL-QUR`ĀN DALAM SUDUT PANDANG \nPRINSIP-PRINSIP STRUKTURALISME DAN NARASI \n(Pengantar Studi Sastra Narasi al-Qur`an)\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "Bahasa Arab"@en . . . "Kesusastraan Arab"@en . . . "al Qur'an" . .