@incollection{digilib22756, volume = {Vol. 1}, number = {Cet. 1}, month = {November}, author = {. Asnafiyah}, series = {Prosiding}, booktitle = {PROCEEDING THE 3rd SUMMIT MEETING ON EDUCATION INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ?Values ? Based Learning for Wonderful Children?}, title = {CHARACTER OF LEADER IN THEMATIC BOOK FOR GRADE IV ELEMENTARY SCHOOL/MI CURRICULUM 2013 AND THE LEARNING AT STATE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PURWOMARTANI SLEMAN}, address = {Yogyakarta}, publisher = {Literasi Media \& Prodi PGMI UIN Suka}, year = {2016}, pages = {81--91}, keywords = {Character, Leader, Meaningful Learning}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/22756/}, abstract = {Indonesian people expect a leader who has a good and strong character so that he is able to implement ideals of statehood of Indonesia that is wealthy, fair and prosperous society. The reality indicates unexpected state leaders. Recently, societies are shown with state leaders? behaviors that were inapropriate with the expectation and aspiration of the founding of Indonesia. Therefore, national leaders should be prepared from the beginning. Curriculum 2013 has provided students by showing some leaders discussed in book of grade IV Elementary School/Madrasah Ibtidaiyah with a theme ?My heroes?. Those leaders have brave character in defensing truth and justice. Leaders who show patriotism towards their society, never give up in struggling, and sacrifice, care of the societies? interest. The citizens and their leaders unite to manifest collective welfare. Material learning of leaders are initiated by digging characters of a leader to be an example that will be imitated by students, impelement the characters in the learning process, relate students? or societies? behaviors which are the reflection of leaders? characters discussed. Through this way, the learning becomes more meaningful. The theory understood is furthermore implemented continously until it becomes the habit of learners. The socialization of figure?s character that has been learnt should be encouraged to manifest goodness in the society. Keywords: Character, Leader, Meaningful Learning} }