%A NIM. 11140085 ROSTIC UTARI %O Dra. Labibah Zain M.LIS %T REPRESENTASI PUSTAKAWAN DALAM FILM ANIMASI THE FANTASTIC FLYING BOOKS OF MR MORRIS LESSMORE %X The purpose of this study to research how the presentation of librarian in animated movie The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore 2011. The study use analysis propused by Charles Sander Pierce know as triangle meaning such as sign, object and interpretant. The purpose of this analysis to describe representation of librarian in the movie. The result stated that theory of triangle meaning with representation of librarian reflected in character Mr. Morris Lessmore. In conclusion, in the movie the librarian has 1. Smart because Mr. Morris knew how to operate the book; 2. Carry out his job as librarian; 3. Faithful to his job where he was always keep the library until his death; 4. Love the books. %K representation of librarian, representation in the movie, semiotic analysis, Charles Sanders Pierce. %D 2016 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib22957