@phdthesis{digilib22963, month = {August}, title = {EVALUASI AKSESIBILITAS DI KANTOR ARSIP DAN PERPUSTAKAAN DAERAH KOTA YOGYAKARTA DITINJAU DARI STANDAR IFLA CHECKLIST}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM. 12140054 SITI WULANDARI}, year = {2016}, note = {Marwiyah, S.Ag., SS., MLIS}, keywords = {Accessibility evaluation, Archives And Library Regional Office Yogyakarta, IFLA Checklist.}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/22963/}, abstract = {The purpose of this research is to evaluation difabel accessibility at archive and library regional office Yogyakarta based on standard IFLA Checklist. This researd adopt the qualitatif method. Methods of data collection in this research using observation, interview with informan and documentation. Data analysis of this research using the theory of Miles and Huberman of data reduction, data display, and verification (conclusion drawing). Data validity test used tecnic triangulation and membercheck. From the result the researchers conducted that from 3 standard consist of 20 components were evaluated, there are 3 components to the standard of service and communication was appropriate IFLA Checklist and 17 components to the standard physical access, media formats, and the service and communication was not appropriate IFLA Checklist. From the results of this research is know that 3 standard IFLA Checklist consist 20 components are 15\% was appropriate IFLA Checklist and 85\% were not appropriate IFLA Checklist. Accessibility who is corect with standard IFLA Checklits is for persons with physical disabilities, for cognitively disabled persons, and how to cooperate with disability organizations and individuals. Beside that who is not corect with standard IFLA Checklist is outside the library, getting into the library, the physical space, toilets, circulation desk, reference/information desk, children?s department, department for persons with reading, hearing, and other disabilities, media formats, computers, how to train staff, special services to patrons with disabilities, for visually impaired persons, for pers readers, for deaf or hearing impaired persons, make information easy to understand, website. The researcher suggests to Archives And Library Regional Office Yogyakarta that the library need to be upgraded on the development and improvement of accessibilitas also some fields that has not met the standar dization.} }