%A NIM. 11710145 ANNA FAHDA %O Dr. Mustadin Taggala, S.Psi., M.Si %T EFEKTIVITAS METODE MIND MAPPING DALAM MENINGKATKAN ASPEK KOGNITIF PADA KEMAMPUAN BELAJAR SISWA LAMBAT BELAJAR (SLOW LEARNER) DI SD NGEMPLAK NGANTI SLEMAN %X This study aims to determine the effectiveness of mind mapping methods for improving the cognitive aspects of learning ability such as knowledge and understanding of slow learner’s student in SD N Ngemplak Nganti , Sleman . The method used in this study using a quasi-experimental methods , that is one group pretest posttest design . The data collection is done by using math and Science achievement tests. Subjects of this research are five slow learner’s student of fourth grade. Data analysis techniques in this study used Wilcoxon signed rank . The results showed that the hypothesis is not accepted. Mind mapping is not effective for improving cognitive aspects of slow learner’s learning ability, because p value 0.05. p = 0.066 is for math and p=0.078 is for science . %K Learning Ability, Mind mapping, Slow Learner %D 2016 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib22968