%A NIM. 12650007 WAHYU APRILYNASARI %O Agus Mulyanto, S.Si, M.Kom. %T ANALISIS PENGUKURAN KUALITAS SISTEM E-KINERJA DI KANTOR REGIONAL I BADAN KEPEGAWAIAN NEGARA YOGYAKARTA BERDASARKAN ISO 9126 %X E-kinerja is an information system based on information technology that is implemented in the State Employment Agency, as effort to simplify the monitoring process and giving recommendations as data organization to reform the management of organization and information to improve the performance of each individual. The important factor that must be considered in the development of a system is the quality of its software. Therefore the testing is required for system e-kinerja, hopefully the result can be used by developer to improve the quality of the system. This research focused on the testing system which is based on the characteristics in ISO 9126. The characteristics of ISO 9126 are functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency, maintainability and portability. After analyzing the e-kinerja system have test result 60.75%, for functionality, 60.36% for reliability, 74.34% for usability, 73.3% for efficiency, for maintainability 42.1% and 100% for portability. It can be concluded that the overall e-kinerja system has a good quality software according based on ISO 9126. %K ISO 9126, Software Quality, E-Kinerja Systems %D 2016 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib23149