%A NIM. 1130010001 NOVIZAL WENDRY %O Prof. Dr. H. Nizar Ali, M.Ag. %T LABELISASI DAN KREDIBILITAS PERIWAYAT KUFAH (KAJIAN AL-JARH WA AT-TA’DIL DENGAN PENDEKATAN SOSIOHISTORIS) %X This dissertation entitled “Labeling and Credibility of the Kufan Narrators, the Study of al-Jarh wa at-Ta‘dil with Sociohistorical Approach” was motivated by the skepticism of excessive non Kufan hadith critics to the credibility of the Kufan narrators. The judgment of aljar on the Kufan narrators seemed as over-generalization stigmatized with negative label. Judgment on the competence of the narrators is not a final thing for it includes the issue of interaction among narrators. There was a social problem in communities around the Kufan narrators as an object, and critics of hadith non Kufan as a subject that led to the birth of al-jarh wa at-ta‘dil. The problems to be answered in this research were concerning 1) the theory of al-jarh wa at-ta‘dil and its labeling in assessing the credibility of the narrators, 2) the demographic context and social history of the Kufan narrators, and 3) how and why non Hadith critics judged the credibility of the Kufan narrator. Because of the vastness of the coverage of discussion regarding the Kufan narrators, this study was limited to the period of the at-tabi'n and the atb‘ at-tabi'n. To answer the above questions, the perspective of social history was used with the assumption that the Hijazian narrators were the majority, center, and mainstream of the role as decision maker of the narrators’ quality. As for the Kufan narrators, they were the minority and peripherals. To view the social relations of both communities, this study used three theories, namely prejudice and stereotypes by Brown and Farley, labeling by Becker and stigma by Goffman. This was a literature study by taking data from historical documentation. The entrance to identify the Kufan narrators used Taqrib at-Tahzib written by Ibn Hajar (d. 852 AH/1449 AD), compared with the other works of al-jarh wa atta'dil such as du'afa’ by al-Uqaili (d. 322 H / 934 M ), the works of Ibn Abi Hatim (d. 327 AH / 938 AD), as- siqat by Ibn Hibban (d. 354 AH / 965 AD), and Mizan al-I'tidal by az-zahabi (d. 748 AH / 1348 AD). To view the social history of the Kufa narrators, early Islamic literary works such as Mu‘jam al-Buldan, Kitab Futuh al-Buldan, Tarikh at-tabari, al-Kamil fi at-Tarikh, dan Kitab at-Tabaqat al-Kabir were used. xiii This study found that al-jarh wa at-ta‘dil in the case of Kufan was used as a means of labeling on the basis of prejudice. This gave rise to the negative stereotypes and stigma towards the Kufan narrator community. Social inequality and not harmonious interactions between Kufan and Damascus as well as Hijaz made Kufan as a rebel city. Rebellion of Husayn Ibn Zubair, at-Tawwabun, Mukhtar as-saqafi, and Zaid bin ‘Ali was social responses involving and supported by the narrators such as Abu Hanifah. Labels such as the Khawarij, tasyayyu‘, murjiah, mudallis, and mursal attached to the Kufan narrators described the condition of the community. Khawarij and the Shi‘a were the opposition groups against the Islamic mainstream of Damascus and Hijaz, while murjiah was a moderate Islamic group. The mudallis and mursal came up because of social problems, where narrators suffered discrimination and intimidation from the Umayyad ruler. This study also proved that prejudice and negative stereotypes attached to the Kufan narrators were in contrast with positive labels on them and the response of the Kufan narrators who ignored the negative label. Of 990 Kufan narrators, 583 (58.8%) received at-ta'dil label without any faults, 273 (27.5%) were labeled with at-ta'dil with at-tajrih additional notes, and the rest, 134 narrators (13.5%), were judged with at-tajrih. These findings presumably made contemporary scholars of hadith aware that al-jarh contained in rijal al-hadis literature should not be used as a ‘holy book’ in assessing the credibility of the narrators. Scholars of hadith need to trace the social life of the community of the narrators and critics. In this context, there is a possibility to receive hadith narrators rated negatively- majruh-or positively. %K the credibility of the narrators, Kufan narrators, al-jarh wa atta‘dil, labeling %D 2016 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib23501