%A Andi Prastowo %T HOLISTIC-INTEGRALISTIC TEACHER "The Necessity And The Needs For Multiple Intelligences-Based Learning Process In The Islamic Elementary School" %X Howard Gardner's notion of multiple intelligences has brought major changes to the way people in the world view the key to success in life. The view of multiple intelligences offers a richer description of the capabilities and the potential success of a child rather than raw IQ. This view also has a major impact on the rearrangements purpose, process and output for the provision of education, including in Islamic educational institutions in the elementary school level. As a result, many efforts, programs, and activities are compiled by the Islamic elementary school managers to realize the implementation of multiple intelligences-based education. Unfortunately, such a teacher profile which is suitable for the implementation of multiple intelligences-based educations has not been studied in depth. Therefore, this research seeks to explore the concept of teacher in Islamic perspective which is relevant to multiple intelligences-based education. Through literary study with post-structuralism hermeneutic approach, this research seeks to offer an alternative idea about the concept of teacher for learning multiple intelligences-based that is unearthed from the meaning of creativity to the development of classical Islamic concept of the teacher, i.e. mu'allim, murabbiy, mursyid, and mu'addib. The result of this research concludes that an expected professional teacher for Islamic education in Islamic elementary school which is relevant to the Islamic school with multiple intelligence orientation is holistic-integralistic teacher. The teacher has four competencies: intellectual and research capacity, spiritual capacity, moral and ethical capacity, and emotional capacity Keywords: multiple intelligences, professional teacher, Islamic Elementary School %K multiple intelligences, professional teacher, Islamic Elementary School %P 301-310 %B PROCEEDING INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR "OPTIMIZING OF MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES TO EXAGGERATE HUMAN POTENTIAL TOWARDS VIRTUOUS CHARACTER" %V Vol.1 %D 2013 %C Yogyakarta %I Teacher Education "Madrasah Ibtidaiyah" Faculty Islamic Education and Teacher Training Islamic State University Sunan Kalijaga %L digilib23553