@incollection{digilib23557, volume = {Vol.1}, month = {December}, author = {Dian Noviar}, booktitle = {PROCEEDING INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR "OPTIMIZING OF MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES TO EXAGGERATE HUMAN POTENTIAL TOWARDS VIRTUOUS CHARACTER"}, address = {Yogyakarta}, title = {THE REFORM OF LEARNING SCIENCE THROUGH MULTIPLE INTELEGENT PARADIGM TO AGAINST CURRICULUM IMPLEMENTATION 2013 IN SD/MI (Considered From The Dynamics Between Teacher And Student)}, publisher = {Teacher Education "Madrasah Ibtidaiyah" Faculty Islamic Education and Teacher Training Islamic State University Sunan Kalijaga}, year = {2013}, pages = {291--300}, keywords = {Reform, Learning science, Paradigm, Learning, Multiple Intelligence.}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/23557/}, abstract = {Science education quality improvement efforts in Indonesia is not enough by changed the curriculum. The curriculum change has to be followed paradigm shift in learning science, from teaching paradigm to the learning paradigm. The learning paradigm can be realized by either integrating the knowledge, senses, environment, curriculum, and the sense of mind (intelligence variety) owned by each student. Comprehensively it can maximize the diverse capabilities of multiple Intelligence owned science students in the learning process. By using the paradigm ofleaming -based multiple Intelligence and scientific approach to the curriculum in 2013, students are guided to reconstruct the knowledge that needs to be capable by observes the students' characteristics of various types of intelligences. Learning of science should be meaningful for them. It means the students, in learning science, should be able to see that science is important for them to face life in the future. The students need to be exposed to the problems which is realistic and contextual in purpose it can not be imagined by students and starting from what have been experienced and known by students. Therefore, in line with the pillars of the curriculum in 2013 that is productive, creative, innovative, and affective then the teacher must understand the characteristics of students' diverse capabilities so that science can be understood well by students not only as the level of knowledge.Key words: Reform, Learning science, Paradigm, Learning, Multiple Intelligence.} }