%A Endang Sulistyowati %T THE ANALYSIS OF ERROR IN ANSWERING MATHEMATICS QUESTION IN V CLASS OF SD/MI IN YOGYAKARTA CITY %X Mathematic is one of subjects studied in all education levels and is one of subject examined nationally. In the school year of2012/2013, the result ofMathematics in national examination in elementary school or Islamic elementary school in Yogyakarta, the average values is in the lowest place compared to other subjects: Science and Indonesian Language. This research includes into the field research. The data analysis uses qualitative method. The data are taken from the result of tests done by the students including question aspects of geometry and numbers. The result shows that there are three types of mistakes made by students of class V of Elementary School or Islamic Elementary School in solving Mathematics problems. Type 1: error concept, including error in understanding the question, Type 2: error in arithmetic calculations, and Type 3: procedural error, writing errors include Mathematics notation, the unit of measure usage errors, and the efficiency of error calculation. In this research, the error oftype-3 did not contribute to the perceived value of the test is obtained. The average test score is 50,97. The most common error is an error of type 1. In the aspect of geometry, this type of error occured more than numbers on this aspect. The error of type 3 is also often happened, especially the use of unit of measurement errors and the writing errors ofMathematics notation. Keywords: Mathematics errors, Elementary School or Islamic Elementary School %K Mathematics errors, Elementary School or Islamic Elementary School %P 247-264 %B PROCEEDING INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR "OPTIMIZING OF MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES TO EXAGGERATE HUMAN POTENTIAL TOWARDS VIRTUOUS CHARACTER" %V Vol.1 %D 2013 %C Yogyakarta %I Teacher Education "Madrasah Ibtidaiyah" Faculty Islamic Education and Teacher Training Islamic State University Sunan Kalijaga %L digilib23559