%S Prosiding %A Nur Hasanah Rahmawati %T THE METHOD OF PARSES USING SIMPLE ICT TO IMPROVE MOTIVATION, ACTIVATION AND SPEAKING SKILL FOR STUDENTS OF MTSN MAGUWOHARJO ACADEMIC YEAR 2014/2015 %X This paper is a best practice concerning the implementation of PARSES Method using simple ICT to increase motivation, activation and speaking skill for students of MTsN Maguwoharjo Academic Year 2014/2015. The emphasis of the method is Preparing, Acting, Recording, Showing, Evaluating and Summarizing in learning activity using simple ICT. Those activities encourage students to be active to take a speaking activity as much as possible. Students have the responsibility to perform their best, and when it is shown in class, they feel proud of their performance. Moreover, when the record of their performances is uploaded on Youtube and is watched by his friends from other schools, they feel very excited. Those steps (Preparing, Acting, Recording, Showing, Evaluating and Summarizing) using ICT become an important part that makes this method to be perfect. Students are encouraged to use ICT media from Preparing to Summarizing. To prepare his appearance, they search examples of text from the internet. While acting their performance is recorded and then it will be shown in Showing activity to other friends in front of the class. All those activities use ICT. And Evaluating and Summarizing is a reflection of their performances for improvement. From looking at the video, the activity to evaluate students’ performance can be more effective and optimum, because it can be repeated several times. This is very valuable to improve their speaking skill in the next performance. Keywords: The Method of PARSES, speaking skill, MTsN Maguwoharjo %N No. 1 %K The Method of PARSES, speaking skill, MTsN Maguwoharjo %P 137-145 %B PROCEEDING OF CONSORTIUM OF LINGUISTICS AND LITERATURE Contemporary Issues in English Linguistics, Literature, and Education %V Vol. 1 %C Yogyakarta %D 2016 %I Fakultas Adab dan Ilmu Budaya %L digilib23616