@incollection{digilib23724, volume = {V.154}, month = {January}, author = {. Al Makin}, series = {Buku}, booktitle = {Religious Dynamics under the Impact of Imperialism and Colonialism}, address = {Leiden}, title = {Haji Omar Said Tjokroaminoto: Islam and Socialism (Indonesia, 1924/1963)}, publisher = {BRILL}, year = {2017}, pages = {249--264}, keywords = {Haji Omar Said Tjokroaminoto, Islam, Indonesia, Tokoh Agama}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/23724/}, abstract = {Haji Omar Said (HOS) Tjokroaminoto (1882?1934), the author of Islam and Socialism, was a prominent Indonesian figure who played a leading role in the Indonesian nationalist movement of the early twentieth century. He was a leader of (the) Sarekat Islam/Islamic Association (SI)1{--}an organisation which served as a medium for those who held that Islamic religious sentiment and nationalist consciousness could be combined to voice their disappointment with the Dutch colonial rule in the archipelago.} }