@incollection{digilib23781, volume = {Vol. 1}, number = {No. 1}, month = {November}, author = {Munastiwil Erni and Syaifuddin Muhammad}, series = {Prosiding}, booktitle = {EDUCATION TRANSFORMATION TOWARD EXCELLENT QUALIT BASED ON ASEAN COMMUNITY CHARACTERISTICS}, title = {CONCEPTIONS OF ECOPRENEURSHIP EDUCATION TO CHILDHOOD}, address = {Yogyakarta}, publisher = {Fakultas Ilmu Tarbyah dan keguruan UIN Sunan Kalijaga}, year = {2014}, pages = {178--191}, keywords = {ecopreneurship, early, childhood, education.}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/23781/}, abstract = {As a consequent of ecological crisis existence, we need to impart ecological awareness for early education. However, the education needs to be combined with autonomic education, namely entrepreneurship, so that it becomes a unitary terminology as ''ecophreneurship". This study aims to conceptualize ecophreneurship education to be imparted to early childhood. The main reason is that the awareness about the environment and natural surroundings as well as their use in everyday life need to be fostered, so that the continuity of life and the character of their children and grandchildren getting wise to the environment. The result of this study shows that ecopreneurship can be established trough some steps. They are; 1) to see the environment, 2) to think, 3) to produce, 4) to communicate, 5) to result, 6) to reproduce, 7) to reflect. Key word : ecopreneurship for early childhood education.} }