relation: title: AN AUTHENTIC EVALUATION IN THE IMPLEMANTATION OF COMPETENCYBASED CURRICULUM creator: Sumarni, Sri subject: Pendidikan Agama Islam description: Evaluation is one of the most important elements in the education process, because it can provide the important and accurate information that can be used as a basis for making educational decisions. Curriculum 2013 is a CompetencyBased Curriculum, so the evaluation is designed by using the authentic assessment. Authentic assessment is the collecting process of the information by the teacher about the student development and achievement through a variety of techniques that are able to reveal, prove, or show exactly that the purpose of learning and ability (competency) have actually achieved. An authentic assessment emphasizes the ability of the student to demonstrate a competence attitude, knowledge, and skill which is possessed in a real and meaningful manner. These three competencies are expressed in a balanced way, so it can be used to determine the relative position of each student towards the established standards. Each competency also requires the use of different and varied techniques and instruments in order to obtain the accurate and comprehensive information for making educational decisions appropriately. Keyword : assessment, authentic, curriculum, competency publisher: Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan date: 2014-11-01 type: Book Section type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Sumarni, Sri (2014) AN AUTHENTIC EVALUATION IN THE IMPLEMANTATION OF COMPETENCYBASED CURRICULUM. In: EDUCATION TRANSFORMATION TOWARD EXCELLENT QUALIT BASED ON ASEAN COMMUNITY CHARACTERISTICS. Prosiding, Vol. 1 (No. 1). Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Yogyakarta, pp. 242-261. ISBN 978-602-1090-23-7