relation: title: THE DYNAMICS TOWARD A SCHOOL FOR ALL CHILDREN IN BANYUWANGI, EAST JAVA, INDONESIA creator: Zidniyati, , creator: Nur, Wiarsih creator: Kurniyatul, Faizah subject: Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah description: Problems that arise in preparing a primary school for all children or better known as inclusive school, is linked to the characteristics of the schools community. Characteristics of the schools in this case concerning educators, the facilities and infrastructure, curriculum, and monitoring and evaluation as well as the school culture built by the school community. This paper is the result of doing a recording during accompaniment conducted by the authors in a private primary school in Banyuwangi, one of districts in Indonesia. The purpose of this article is to reflect on the dynamics primary school that is trying to manage the system of school learning aimed at character building by providing opportunities for all children in the middle of characteristics of the surrounding community. Key words : primary school, school for all chidren, school community characteristic publisher: Fakultas Ilmu Tarbyah dan keguruan UIN Sunan Kalijaga date: 2014-11-01 type: Book Section type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Zidniyati, , and Nur, Wiarsih and Kurniyatul, Faizah (2014) THE DYNAMICS TOWARD A SCHOOL FOR ALL CHILDREN IN BANYUWANGI, EAST JAVA, INDONESIA. In: EDUCATION TRANSFORMATION TOWARD EXCELLENT QUALIT BASED ON ASEAN COMMUNITY CHARACTERISTICS. Prosiding, Vol. 1 (No. 1). Fakultas Ilmu Tarbyah dan keguruan UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta, pp. 140-157. ISBN 9786021090237