@mastersthesis{digilib23883, month = {August}, title = {ANALISIS KUALITAS LAYANAN PERPUSTAKAAN TERHADAP KEPUASAN PEMUSTAKA DI UPT. PERPUSTAKAAN ISI SURAKARTA DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE MODIFIKASI LIBQUAL}, school = {UIN Sunan Kalijaga}, author = {NIM: 1420011003 Muh Choironi Yusuf}, year = {2016}, note = {Dr. Kifayah Amar, M.Sc}, keywords = {Library, user satisfaction, the quality of the Library Service, Gap}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/23883/}, abstract = {University Library play an important role in the teaching and learning process and the implementation of the Tri Dharma college, namely education, research and dedication in the community. In carrying out its role in college, library provides information services for education and research for it broadcasts college high. As a service institution, university library must provide the best service and quality for pemustaka. Therefore pemustaka satisfaction to measure the success of the services provided by the management of the university library. In this research the author want to know the extent to which the quality of service that occur in Ai. The contents of the library of Surakarta that notabennya specializes in the areas of the arts.To know and measure the service quality of AI. The contents of the library of Surakarta and the gap that occurs, used methods modify Libqual Measurements made to students, lecturers and employees who become members of the active library which numbered 95 respondents.The results of this research shows the level of quality service that felt by pemustaka from least is there is a dimension of reliability on the indicator no (2) with the value of 3.21. The dimension of the most high that felt there on the dimension of the assurance on indicator no (1) 4.24. The cool pemustaka hope in the quality of services from the lowest on the empathy dimension indicator no (4) with the value of 3.83 while the value of the most high is located on the dimension of the assurance indicator no (1) and collection of acces indicator no (1) 4.65. The gap or GAP yyang most high in this research there is on the dimension of the reliability indicator no(2) about kemmapuan librarians provide accurate information with the value of the gap - 1.4. Key Words : Library, user satisfaction, the quality of the Library Service, Gap} }