%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A AZIZ DARYONO, NIM. 11730100 %B FAKULTAS ILMU SOSIAL DAN HUMANIORA %D 2016 %F digilib:23968 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Communicative Action, Religion, Islamic Ritual, Waqiahan, Habermas, Critique Idiology %P 138 %T TINDAKAN KOMUNIKATIF PADA RITUAL KEAGAMAAN (ANALISIS KUALITATIF PADA RITUAL WAQIAHAN DI DESA DOROPAYUNG, JUWANA, PATI, JAWA TENGAH) %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/23968/ %X Three decades ago, Habermas said that in the future, the role of religion would be replaced by social praxis that is produced by the communicative action. Through the communicative actions consensus, the role of sacred religious entity as a moral justification will be replaced by rationality. But modernity project expected by Habermas apparently never happened. Modern society is stuck in rationality monade and confirming its position as the entity that set aside the moral and also an individualistic. Religion on the other hand, managed to pull out its potential for maintaining ethical morality aspect through the dogmas of religion. Habermas sees this as a chance of co-existence between rationality and religion through communicative Action. However Habermas thinks this was a mere possibility. Considering the religious praxis social systems would complicate the formation of a consensus in the religious praxis. The existence of consensus has indeed become the main requirement of a communicative act. Therefore, this research would like to prove the potential of the coexistence between religions and communicative action. The researchers chose the Islamic religion and the rituals of Waqiahan in Doropayung, Juwana, Pati as objects of research. Consider the social condition of Islam in Indonesia, which open towards the social praxis of grassroots community. In addition, the Ritual of waqiahan in Doropayung, Juwana, Pati was chosen because the ritual is an overview of the religious ritual of the Nahdliyin community. A well-known moderate and openminded social Islamic community in Indonesia. Using Habermas theory of Communicative Action, researcher managed to find the forms of communicative action in the activities of the Waqiahan ritual. In addition, all consensuses in ritual also have met all terms to be a communicative act. All aspects concerning the comprehensive claims (sincerity, truthfulness and rightness) until the emergence of an Ideological Criticism on social praxis community also successfully met. Furthermore, communicative act that occurred in the Waqiahan ritual in Doropayung, Juwana, Pati also managed to answer Habermas questions about the epistemic position of religion (Islam) in the forefront of modernity. To note, critique of the ideology formed by rituals tactically criticized the culture of hedonism and religious social praxis that occurred in Doropayung. %Z Alip Kunandar, M.Si selaku