@phdthesis{digilib23983, month = {November}, title = {DAMPAK KAMPANYE KESELAMATAN LALU LINTAS DINAS PERHUBUNGAN KOMUNIKASI DAN INFORMATIKA DI KALANGAN PELAJAR (STUDI DESKRIPTIF KUALITATIF PADA PERILAKU BERLALU LINTAS SISWA SMA AL ISLAM 1 SURAKARTA}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM. 12730048 ROFIK FITRIANI}, year = {2016}, note = {Rama Kertamukti, M.Sn}, keywords = {campaign, effect of campaign, traffic behavior}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/23983/}, abstract = {Campaign is a persuasive communication activity which is aimed at shaping certain community?s perspective as intended by the initiator. The intended effect may take various forms such as knowledge, attitudes, and behavior. The research aims at describing the campaign of traffic safety conducted by the Departement of Transportation, Communication and Information of Surakarta city, and the its effect towards student?s traffic behavior. The subject of the research is the student of senior high school Al Islam 1 of Surakarta. The research applied qualitative approach. The data collecting was conducted by in-depth interview, observation and documentation. The researcher gained the validity of the data by conducting source triangulation. The initial stage of research was analyzing the phenomenon stimulating the campaign and the conduct of the campaign through interviewing the key actors of the campaign. Then, the researcher observed the traffic behavior of senior high school Al Islam 1?s students after the conduct of the campaign. The finding of the research are analyzed using seven stages of mark ??? models communication planning and four levels of behavior proposed by Notoatmodjo. The even stages of communication planning includes : identification of audiences, determining the purpose, messages,action/commitment, media, communication plans and evaluation. While the four levels of behavior includes : perception, guided response, mecanism and adaptation. The research has concluded that the campaign of traffic safety conducted by the department of transportation, communication and information of Surakarta city has give effect to several aspects of student's traffic behavior} }