%0 Journal Article %@ 1411-6855 %A MARAGUSTAM SIREGAR, - %D 2007 %F digilib:24133 %J JURNAL STUDI ILMU-ILMU AL-QURAN DAN HADIS %K musibah, fitnah, bala, bencana, dan pemikiran pendidikan %N No.1 %P 59 -80 %T BENCANA DALAM AL-QUR'AN(Pemikiran Pendidikan al-Quran Berbasis Bencana) %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/24133/ %V Vol.8 %X There are at least three key words in the al-Quran wich refer to disaster, namely calamity (mus1bah), slander (fitnah) and debacle (bal~') . Principally, disaster can be divided into two kinds: man-made disarter and natural disaster. Both kinds of disaster bring about suffering on l1uman life. Therefore, human beings have to take lesson from the disaster through their knowledge to prevent more serious bad impact of disaster by making good solution such as implementing a strategy to eliminate man-made disaster, reducing risk range of disaster, and improving 1·eadiness of facing disaster. It is the Muslim creed that is based on Quranic education. On the one hand, it is believed that God is the Most Kind and the Great Planru..>r in opposite to natural disaster on His creature. On the other hand, He sends the disaster to His human beings who are weak. Thus, God's plan has hidden educative intention. This thematic writing will answer what disaster in the Alquran is and what disaster-based Quranic education is. Kata Kunci: mus'ibah, fitnah, bala...,, bencana, dan pemikiran pendidikan