%S Proceeding %A Khoirul Hadi %A Atik Wartin %T STUDENT CENTERED APPROACH FOR EDUCATION ISLAMIC ELEMENTERY SCHOOL %X his study aims to mengagas implementation of student centered approach to learning lbtidaiyyah Madrasah, in the method of learning is one of the important methods in this study so it is necessary draft scope for more. lbtidaiyyah madras a is one stage in which 9-year study based curriculum that has been disusus government, but sometimes due to the existing dualism in depag curriculum and national education in madras a education makes little ambiguity in the direction of educational policy for students emnghasilkan berpertasi. student centered approach is an effort to offer the researcher based on student education, student berkeingin what talent and what students are interested in it dikembangnkang since aawal in madrassas tigkat ibtidaiyyah, so the pad next level students are expected to choose a career path that interests and talents since the early Keywords: student centered approach, madrasas Ibtidaiyyah. Learning. %N No. 1 %K student centered approach, madrasas Ibtidaiyyah. Learning. %P 87-95 %B "OPTIMIZING OF MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES TOEXAGGERATEHUMANPOTENT~TOWARDS VIRTUOUS CHARACTER" %V Vol. 1 %C Yogyakarta %D 2013 %I Buku Baik %R 24 %L digilib24269