@incollection{digilib24289, volume = {Vol. 1}, number = {No. 1}, month = {December}, author = {W. ALLAN BUSH}, series = {Proceeding}, booktitle = {"OPTIMIZING OF MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES TOEXAGGERATEHUMANPOTENT{\texttt{\char126}}TOWARDS VIRTUOUS CHARACTER"}, title = {LEADING BASED ON THE HUMAN RESOURCES COMPETENCE AND COMMITMENT}, address = {Yogyakarta}, publisher = {Buku Baik}, year = {2013}, pages = {21--24}, keywords = {Ki Hajar Dewantara,leadership}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/24289/}, abstract = {There are four categories of human resources based on competence and commitment. The first category Enthusiastic beginners, second- disillusion learner, third- capable but cautious performer, fourth self-reliant achiever. The paradigm of 21st century leadership is situational leadership. The leader is not enough to apply one style only. It is not enough yet, leader only takes a variety of styles or models. Style or model that is applied by the leader depends on the state or condition of those they lead. The same person, at different times, under different circumstances or conditions require different leadership styles. The question raised in this paper is "What kind of leadership style that is applied for four categories of human resources led?". Furthermore, it also raised the question "whether the Skill must be possessed by a leader who is able to apply situational leadership?". Leading style for enthusiatic beginner is a directing style. Disillusion learners need a coaching style. Capable but cautious performers need a supporting style. Self reliant achievers need a delegating style. Three skills of a situasionalleader, they are diagnostic, flexibility, and partnering for performance. Indonesian leadership from Ki Hajar Dewantara has actually complete, but the embodiment and manifestation of the slogan has not been done. Research related to Indonesia's leadership of the concept of Ki Hajar Dewantara very necessary, for the development of science education and conservation education ideology Indonesia.} }