%0 Journal Article %@ 1412-2634 %A Haetami, . %D 2015 %F digilib:24342 %I Jurusan Perbandingan Agama Fakultas Ushuluddin UIN Sunan Kalijaga %J RELIGI : JURNAL STUDI AGAMA - AGAMA %K dinamika, reformasi 1998, MAKIN %N No. 2 %P 47-59 %T AGAMA KHONGHUCU PASCA REFORMASI 1998 (STUDI TERHADAP MAKIN YOGYAKARTA) %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/24342/ %V Vol.11 %X The highest religious institutions have a decisive role in approaching various religious phenomena. During the New Order regime, religious institutions are not much present in the public space since government policy requires society-based organizations under direct government control. But entering the reformation era in 1998, the various elements of society began to fill public space with various forms of organization, including the MAKIN institution of Confucianism. There are two queries in this paper, that is how the dynamics of the post-reformation institution for Confucian Religion in 1998 and how the influence of the 1998 reformation on the MAKIN Yogyakarta. This is a field research with qualitative methods. The data collection was done by observation, interview, and documentation. This study uses a phenomenological approach to the analysis of the history and ideology of Louis Althusser’s theory. These results indicate that the dynamics of the post-reformation era in term of institution for Confucian Religion in 1998 experienced a shift towards the better. The establishment of MAKIN with its chance based on the demanding era has given a significant note for the followers of Confucianism in general and in particular activists of MAKIN. Key Words: dinamika, reformasi 1998, MAKIN