relation: title: MITOS MBAH BREGAS DI DUSUN NGINO DESA MARGOAGUNG SEYEGAN SLEMAN YOGYAKARTA (STUDI TERHADAP KLASIFIKASI, PANDANGAN DAN FUNGSI MITOS) creator: Mufiani, Iftahuul subject: Religi Jurnal description: cultures in Indonesia that has its uniqueness on Javanese culture particularly on kejawen elements, is in around Sleman, Yogyakarta. Some people in Ngino, Margoagung believed in the kejawen that utilized myth in everyday life both in tradition and arts. The myth in Javanese society is so profound; myth becomes an important aspect of religious system in kejawen. Considering the importance of myth among Javanese, this study discusses the myth of Mbah Bergas in Margoagung. The existence of Mbah Bergas gives an indirect influence on religiosity among Muslims in Ngino. The influence of the myth is manifest among the people of Ngino in their cultural and social life. Key Words : mitos, mbah bregas, kejawen publisher: Jurusan Perbandingan Agama Fakultas Ushuluddin UIN Sunan Kalijaga date: 2015-07 type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Mufiani, Iftahuul (2015) MITOS MBAH BREGAS DI DUSUN NGINO DESA MARGOAGUNG SEYEGAN SLEMAN YOGYAKARTA (STUDI TERHADAP KLASIFIKASI, PANDANGAN DAN FUNGSI MITOS). RELIGI : JURNAL STUDI AGAMA - AGAMA, Vol.11 (No. 2). pp. 17-45. ISSN 1412-2634