%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A VITA TRI CAHYANI, NIM. 09150042 %B FAKULTAS ADAB DAN ILMU BUDAYA %D 2016 %F digilib:24380 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K father-son fighting, lack of remorse or guilt, psychopath %P 56 %T MAL’AKH’S PSYCHOPATHIC GUILT AS SEEN IN DAN BROWN’S THE LOST SYMBOL %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/24380/ %X Psychopath, one of the personality disorder, in modern literature, some novelists attempt to bring psychopath theme on their imaginary world. One of the novelists who take this theme is Dan Brown in The Lost Symbol, Mal’akh. As depicted in the novel, Mal’akh has done violence that tends to be psychopathic. This research aims to figure out how Mal’akh is portrayed in The Lost Symbol in terms of psychopathic guilt, as narrated in the novel. This graduating paper is a qualitative research, specifically done by library research. The research is done by reading the novel repeatedly to analyze the characteristic of Mal’akh. The main source of data is the text of The Lost Symbol novel itself. The primary object of the research is the main antagonist, Malakh, and his tendency to psychopath which is analyzed from his action in the novel. In order to answer the problem statements the writer applies the Theory of Guilt by Kalu Singh, that particularly focuses on guilt, seen by “Fatherson fighting” as the residue of Oedipus Complex. From this research, it is comprehended that there are thirteen incident of father-son fighting by showing action, one incident of father-son fighting seen by telling actions, one incident of father-son fighting seen by sign and lack of remorse or guilt of Mal’akh. According to the theory, Mal’akh has lack remorse or guilt which is why he is categorized as psychopath %Z Mr. Danial Hidayatullah M.Hum