%A NIM. 13390113 RIANA SARI %O Dr. Ibnu Qizam, S.E., M.Si., Ak., CA %T ANALISIS FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI UNDERPRICING SAHAM PADA PERUSAHAAN JASA YANG IPO DI BEI PERIODE 2009-2015: PERBANDINGAN SAHAM SYARIAH DAN NON SYARIAH %X The most problem arise in the process of an Initial Public Offering is underpricing, the proof is in the range of 2009-2015 of 104 service companies IPO in BEI only 17 companies were outpricing. This research aims to analyze the factors affect of shares allegedly underpricing on company who launched an IPO in Indonesia Stock Exchange during 2009-2015 and compare between sharia stocks and non sharia stocks. The dependent variable is the level of underpricing shares, while Independent variables are underwriter reputation,auditor reputation, fractional holding and financial leverage. The results of the simultaneous test from this research indicated that all independent variables simultaneously have significant influence of underpricing. The test results showed that the partial variable, auditor reputation and financial leverage influence significantly to underpricing of sharia stocks. Auditor reputation and financial leverage are influence significantly to underpricing of non sharia stocks. Any significantly different of auditor reputation mean between sharia stocks and non sharia stocks. %K Underwriter Reputation, Auditor Reputation, Fractional Holding and Financial Leverage. %D 2017 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib24504