%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A AYU RUSTIYANTI, NIM. 12390062 %B FAKULTAS EKONOMI DAN BISNIS ISLAM %D 2017 %F digilib:24511 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Rating Sukuk, Liquidity, Profitability, Leverage, Profit Sharing, Maturity, Secure, Ordinal Logistic Regression %T ANALISIS FAKTOR KEUANGAN DAN NONKEUANGAN YANG MEMPENGARUHI PERINGKAT SUKUK PADA PERUSAHAAN NONKEUANGAN YANG TERDAFTAR DI BURSA EFEK INDONESIA %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/24511/ %X This study aimed to analyze the financial and non-financial factors that affect the rating sukuk. This study was taken in the sukuk rating to non financial and non banking sukuk companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange and is registered in the ratings of sukuk issued by PT.PEFINDO. The number of samples sukuk from the years 2011-2015 there were 30 securities of 12 issuers. The sampling technique is determined using targeted sampling (purposive sampling), whereas the method of analysis used Ordinal Logistic Regression. The financial factors in this study are profitability, likuidity, leverage and profit sharing. Meanwhile, the non-financial factors are maturity and secure. The results of this analysis showed that the variables of liquidity, profitability, profit sharing, maturity and secure not significant effecting on the rating sukuk. Meanwhile, leverage significant effecting on the rating of sukuk. %Z SUNARSIH, S.E, M.Si.