%A NIM. 12390148 SUGIARTI %O SUNARSIH, S.E, M.Si. %T PENGARUH GOOD CORPORATE GOVERNANCE DAN JENIS KEPEMILIKAN TERHADAP EFISIENSI PADA PERBANKAN SYARIAH TAHUN 2013-2015 %X This study aimed to analyze the effects of good corporate governance and ownership structure on efficiency of islamic banking . The efficiency is measured by the method of DEA approach. The value of efficiency is measured by assuming variable return to scale using DEAP 2.1 software. This study was taken from the islamic banks listed in OJK. The number of sampling islamic banks from year 2013-2015 there were 11 banks. The sampling technique is determined using targeted sampling (purposive sampling), whereas the method of analysis used a panel data the data worked with eviews 8. Simultaneous significance test concluded that all independent variables together influences the dependent variable. Parameter significance tests results good corporate governance and ownership structure have significant effect to the efficiency. %K Good Corporate Governance, Ownership Structure, Efficiency, DEA %D 2017 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib24512