<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "ANALISIS PERBEDAAN PROFITABILITAS BANK UMUM SYARIAH\r\nSEBELUM DAN SESUDAH ADANYA PEMBATASAN SUKU BUNGA\r\nDEPOSITO BANK KONVENSIONAL"^^ . "The purpose of the study is to understand the differences of Islamic Banks\r\nprofitabilities before and after the limitation of interest on deposit of\r\nConventional Banks based on Supervisory Action No. SP-28 DKNS/OJK/9/2014\r\npolicy by Financial Service Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan) measured on two\r\nprofitability ratios: (1) return on asset (ROA), (2) return on equity (ROE). The\r\nsamples of this study are eleven (11) Islamic Banks in Indonesia chosen using\r\npurposive sampling method. The secondary data of this study are the quarter\r\nreports of Islamic Banks in from Maret 2014 to Juni 2015 (six quarter) which are\r\nfocused on three quarter before and after applying the policy. The data are tested\r\nusing hypothetical test through paired sample t-test with significant rate at 5%\r\n(α=0,05). The result of this study shows that the Islamic Banks profitabilities\r\nprojected by ROA and ROE have differences before and after the limitation of\r\ninterest on deposit of Conventional Banks."^^ . "2017-01-31" . . . . "UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . "FAKULTAS EKONOMI DAN BISNIS ISLAM, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . . . . . . . "NIM. 13390117"^^ . "HIKMATUL LAILIYAH"^^ . "NIM. 13390117 HIKMATUL LAILIYAH"^^ . . . . . . "ANALISIS PERBEDAAN PROFITABILITAS BANK UMUM SYARIAH\r\nSEBELUM DAN SESUDAH ADANYA PEMBATASAN SUKU BUNGA\r\nDEPOSITO BANK KONVENSIONAL (Text)"^^ . . . "ANALISIS PERBEDAAN PROFITABILITAS BANK UMUM SYARIAH\r\nSEBELUM DAN SESUDAH ADANYA PEMBATASAN SUKU BUNGA\r\nDEPOSITO BANK KONVENSIONAL (Text)"^^ . . . "13390117_BAB-I_IV-atau-V_DAFTAR-PUSTAKA.pdf"^^ . . . "ANALISIS PERBEDAAN PROFITABILITAS BANK UMUM SYARIAH\r\nSEBELUM DAN SESUDAH ADANYA PEMBATASAN SUKU BUNGA\r\nDEPOSITO BANK KONVENSIONAL (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "ANALISIS PERBEDAAN PROFITABILITAS BANK UMUM SYARIAH\r\nSEBELUM DAN SESUDAH ADANYA PEMBATASAN SUKU BUNGA\r\nDEPOSITO BANK KONVENSIONAL (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "ANALISIS PERBEDAAN PROFITABILITAS BANK UMUM SYARIAH\r\nSEBELUM DAN SESUDAH ADANYA PEMBATASAN SUKU BUNGA\r\nDEPOSITO BANK KONVENSIONAL (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "ANALISIS PERBEDAAN PROFITABILITAS BANK UMUM SYARIAH\r\nSEBELUM DAN SESUDAH ADANYA PEMBATASAN SUKU BUNGA\r\nDEPOSITO BANK KONVENSIONAL (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . . "ANALISIS PERBEDAAN PROFITABILITAS BANK UMUM SYARIAH\r\nSEBELUM DAN SESUDAH ADANYA PEMBATASAN SUKU BUNGA\r\nDEPOSITO BANK KONVENSIONAL (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "ANALISIS PERBEDAAN PROFITABILITAS BANK UMUM SYARIAH\r\nSEBELUM DAN SESUDAH ADANYA PEMBATASAN SUKU BUNGA\r\nDEPOSITO BANK KONVENSIONAL (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "ANALISIS PERBEDAAN PROFITABILITAS BANK UMUM SYARIAH\r\nSEBELUM DAN SESUDAH ADANYA PEMBATASAN SUKU BUNGA\r\nDEPOSITO BANK KONVENSIONAL (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "ANALISIS PERBEDAAN PROFITABILITAS BANK UMUM SYARIAH\r\nSEBELUM DAN SESUDAH ADANYA PEMBATASAN SUKU BUNGA\r\nDEPOSITO BANK KONVENSIONAL (Other)"^^ . . . . . "HTML Summary of #24530 \n\nANALISIS PERBEDAAN PROFITABILITAS BANK UMUM SYARIAH \nSEBELUM DAN SESUDAH ADANYA PEMBATASAN SUKU BUNGA \nDEPOSITO BANK KONVENSIONAL\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "Manajemen Keuangan Syariah" . .