%A NIM. 13820047 DWI PURWANTI %O Muhammad Ghafur Wibowo, S.E., M.Sc. %T PENGARUH PEMBIAYAAN, ASET DAN JUMLAH PEGAWAI TERHADAP PENDAPATAN USAHA MIKRO KECIL MENENGAH PENERIMA PEMBIAYAAN PADA BMT SURYA ABADI GUNEM REMBANG %X This research aims to know the effect of financing, asset and amount of employees to the revenue small and medium micro beneficiary financing in BMT Surya Abadi Gunem Rembang. In this study using multiple linear regression analysis, variable analysis is financing, asset and amount of employees . The data used is primary derived from questionnaires or 100 respondents financing in BMT Surya Abadi Gunem Rembang. The results of this study indicate that the asset financing and significant positive effect on earnings of small and medium micro enterprises, while the amount of employees is not significant positive effect on small and medium micro enterprises. %K Financing, Asset, amount of employees, Income multiple linear regression %D 2017 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib24646