@phdthesis{digilib25085, month = {February}, title = {PERAN GATEKEEPER DALAM MENYELEKSI FOTO HEADLINE HALAMAN UTAMA DI SURAT KABAR (Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Pada Dewan Redaksi SKH Kedaulatan Rakyat)}, school = {UIN Sunan Kalijaga}, author = {NIM. 12730009 Rizky Amalia Harahap}, year = {2017}, note = {Mokhamad Mahfud, S.sos.I.,M.Si}, keywords = {Gatekeeper role, Headline photo, Criteria, Factor/variable.}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/25085/}, abstract = {In this research, researchers try to explain the role of the gatekeeper in selected the headline photo of SKH Kedaulatan Rakyat. This research will be focused to the editorial board of SKH Kedaulatan Rakyat. This is qualitative research by using descriptive methods. The collecting data technic of this research through in-depth interview, observation techniques, documentation, and literature. In selecting the headline photo of news paper, not all of the photos can be selected as a headline, the photos will be selected by gatekeeper. Gatekepeer is a person or a group who will select, add, detract, modify, or even delete the content of the message from the source to the recipient of the news. According to the code of etchics of journalism, news or photo must be presented in the balanced and fair. But in reality, the screening by the gatekeeper still often affected by the particular interests of both ideologies, business, and politics. This research uses gatekeeper theory by Bruce Westley and Malcolm McLean. This theory emphasizes to the gatekeeper role in mass communication process. This theory is also explains the selection of current news/photos from the source to the reciever, where this selection based on some criteria and factors/variables. This research concluded that the role of gatekeeper in selecting the headline photo of SKH Kedaulatan Rakyat managed by a spesial team at editorial meeting. But in reality, there is a higher gatekeeper role in the selection of headline photos in SKH Kedaulatan Rakyat namely media owners. The most dominant criteria of selecting headline photo on the main page is proximity news values. Factors/variables of economy can shift the gatekeeper role in selecting the headline photo on the main page of SKH Kedaulatan Rakyat. Key word : Gatekeeper role, Headline photo, Criteria, Factor/variable.} }