@article{digilib25493, volume = {4}, number = {1}, month = {April}, author = {Azis Muslim}, title = {A Model of Shodaqoh-Based Waste Management}, publisher = {Macrothink Institute Online Journals}, year = {2015}, journal = {Environmental Management and Sustainable Development}, pages = {164--179}, keywords = {Waste, Waste Management, and Waste Shodaqoh}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/25493/}, abstract = {The problem of waste has become a big issue and requires a serious management. In some cities, this unsolvable problem results in new problems such as social conflict, damaged environment and disease onset. This research aimed to evaluate the waste management in Pakem, Tamanmartani, Kalasan, Sleman, Yogyakarta. This study was conducted using inductive phenomenological approach. The data collection was conducted using observation, interview, and documentation techniques. Techniques of validating data used were the extension of length of stay with the studied subject, participatory observation, and data testing with triangulation. Technique of analyzing data used was an interactive model of analysis. The result of research showed that firstly, shodaqoh concept could change the community?s negative perspective on the presence of waste. Secondly, the waste manager appropriately would not only result in a clean and healthy environment but also improve the community?s economy. Keywords: Waste, Waste Management, and Waste Shodaqoh} }