%A NIM. 12140039 AHDIE ANWARY %O Hj. Siti Rohaya, S.Ag., MT. %T PENGARUH MEDIA PROMOSI TERHADAP MINAT KUNJUNG PEMUSTAKA DI PERPUSTAKAAN GRHATAMA PUSTAKA YOGYAKARTA %X This research aims to: (1) describe how media campaign conducted in Grhatama Pustaka Library; (2) describe how the interests of visits users in Grhatama Pustaka Library; (3) prove the existence of the influence of the media campaign against the interest of visits users in Grhatama Pustaka Library. Thekind of this research is quantitative descriptive. The population in this research are all members of grhatama pustaka Library until desember 2016, with the total number 25,164 users. The sampling technique using accidental sampling technique, with the sample are 100 respondent. The main data collection techniques were questionnaires using Likert scale with four alternative answers. Meanwhile the supporting data collection techniques using observation, interviews and documentation. the validity testing was done by were used product moment correlation. Meanwhile the reliability testing was done by were used Cronbach’s Alpha. Data analysis was done by using mean and grand mean, Product Moment Correlation and Simple Linear Regression. The data is processed using program of IBM SPSS Statistics Version 23. The results of this research showed that the media campaign of grhatama pustaka library classified good, it is evident from the calculation of the mean and grand mean of 2,90.Meanwhile the interests of visits users at the Library of Grhatama Pustaka Yogyakarta is also classified very good, it is evidentfrom the calculation of the mean and the grand mean of 3,55.The level of correlation is said significant with a value of 0,463. The direction of correlation is positive and correlation level is strong with the interval correlation coefficient between 0,40 – 0,70. Result of simple linier regression is Y = 16,052 + 0,212X and R Square of 0,214.The author suggested the library staff to be more active in conducting media campaigns to visit library interests can be maintained and increasingly visited the library. %K media campaigns, the interest of visits, public library %D 2017 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib25925