%A NIM. 13390020 MUTIMMATUL FAIZAH %O Dian Nuriyah Solissa, SHI, M.Si %T PENGARUH TINGKAT KEBUTUHAN, PENGETAHUAN, KEPERCAYAAN, DAN LOKASI TERHADAP MINAT PENGUSAHA UMKM KOTA YOGYAKARTA MENGAJUKAN PEMBIAYAAN DI PERBANKAN SYARIAH %X This study aims to determine the factors that influence the interest of enterpreneurs of MSMEs proposing financing in sharia banking. The data used are primary data with data collection techniques using questionnaires. This study uses SPSS 17 application with 100 samples of MSMEs in Yogyakarta city. Data analysis techniques using with F test and T test. As for testing the instrumet using validity test, reliability test and classical assumption test. The result show that: simultaneously needs (X1), knowledge (X2), trust (X3), and location (X4) have an effect on significantly to entrepreneur of MSMEs proposing financing in sharia banking. While the partial knowledge has no significant effect on MSME entrepreneurs proposing financing in sharia banking. %K Needs, knowledge, trust, location, interst, financing, MSMEs, consumer behavior %D 2017 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib26380