@phdthesis{digilib26421, month = {May}, title = {PENGARUH KEGIATAN HUBUNGAN KARYAWAN TERHADAP TINGKAT MOTIVASI KERJA (SURVEY PADA KARYAWAN BANK SLEMAN PERIODE FEBRUARI-MARET 2017)}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM. 11730101 AHMAD JANGKUNG MUNTAHA}, year = {2017}, note = {Rama Kertamukti, M.Sn}, keywords = {Employee Relations, Working Motivation}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/26421/}, abstract = {Communication has very significant function in organizational activities. Employees play a major role in running the wheel of life of the company In organizational communication of a company. Employees who have high productivity will facilitate the company in achieving the target. Employee relations activities are expected to give a positive impact, i.e. employees feel valued and noticed by the company, resulting in loyalty to the company, mutual ownership, motivation, creative employees and the desire to become excel, so that later will return to make a positive contribution to the company. This research aims to determine the effect of employee relations activities to the level of working motivation. Bank Sleman as one of the organizations or companies oriented to the management of local finances located in Yogyakarta has taken steps to motivate coaching employees through employee relations activities. This research uses quantitative approach with survey method, and data collection using questionnaire method. Subjects of the research were employees of Bank Sleman, implemented on 23rd February to 23rd March 2017. Data analysis obtained using descriptive analysis method and regression analysis. The results obtained indicate that there is an influence between employee relationships of Bank Sleman to the level of employee working motivation of Bank Sleman, which is shown by the influence of the value of employee relationship variable to work motivation variable of 46.6\%.} }