@phdthesis{digilib26501, month = {April}, title = {INDIRECT SPEECH ACTS OF JAN?S AND MAY?S UTTERANCES IN THE SINGLE MOMS CLUB MOVIE: ANALYSIS OF ILLOCUTIONARY ACTS}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM. 13150040 FITRAHTUN NISA}, year = {2017}, note = {Ubaidillah, M.Hum}, keywords = {movie, indirect speech acts, illocutionary acts}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/26501/}, abstract = {This research is focused on the analysis of illocutionary acts on Jan?s and May?s indirect speech acts in The Single Moms Club movie. To analyse the data, this research uses qualitative method to describe the data that are identified as Jan?s and May?s indirect speech acts. This research uses theory of speech acts proposed by John Austin and John R. Searle. To identify illocutionary acts on the indirect speech acts, this research tries to interpret the dialogues between Jan and May by considering and understanding the context of situation. After doing the analysis, this research has found 159 data of Jan?s and May?s indirect speech acts in The Single Moms Club movie. They are divided into 77 data of Jan?s utterances and 82 data of May?s utterances. The data consist of five kinds of illocutionary acts; they are representatives, expressives, directives, commisives, and declaratives. This research also concludes the characters of Jan and May as white and black woman in performing the illocutionary acts on their indirect speech acts. In representative, Jan is described as stubborn and impolite person and May is described as caring and open-hearted person. In expressive, Jan is described as rigid person and May is described as expressive person. In directive, Jan is described as impatient person and May is described as open-minded person. In commisive, Jan is described as changing person and May is described as confident person. In declarative, Jan and May use a same way.} }