%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A ISNAINI DEWANTI, NIM. 10650011 %B FAKULTAS SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI %D 2017 %F digilib:26539 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K expert system, dog's diseases, knowledge base, forward chaining, PHP, MySQL %T SISTEM PAKAR BERBASIS WEB UNTUK MENDIAGNOSA PENYAKIT ANJING MENGGUNAKAN FORWARD CHAINING %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/26539/ %X Dog is an animal that we frequently see around the neighbourhood. There are a lot of people who choose dog as a pets because well known as a loyal animal to human. The knowledge about dog is important and necessary for dog's owner in order to maintain its health. The most frequent problem is that society does not have enough knowledge about dog's diseases and they have limited accessibility to consult with experts. This study develops expert system that has the ability to diagnose dog's diseases. The system has 19 basic knowledge of dog's diseases and 66 clinical symptoms. The system is built using PHP web based program and MySQL database. This study uses forward chaining method as a logical method. The system provides output as the probability of dog's diseases based on the result of consultation using input of symptoms undertaken by the user. According to the functional test system that has been conducted, it is concluded that this expert system has fulfilled the requirements for implementation. The system can assist our society to access information on dog's diseases and their treatments. People can consult to discover the possible diseases suffered by their dogs. The expert system is also beneficial as a storage of the expert's knowledge. Society is expected to gain information on dog's diseases more easily, timely, and accurately. %Z Dr. Shofwatul „Uyun, M.Kom.