@phdthesis{digilib26603, month = {March}, title = {PENGARUH PERTUMBUHAN EKONOMI, PENDAPATAN ASLI DAERAH (PAD) DAN DANA ALOKASI UMUM (DAU) TERHADAP ALOKASI BELANJA DAERAH PEMERINTAH KABUPATEN/KOTA DI PROPINSI DAERAH ISTIMEWA YOGYAKARTA TAHUN 2005- 2014}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM. 13810067 DEWI RAHAYUNINGTYAS}, year = {2017}, note = {Dr.Ibnu Qizam, Se.,M.Si.,Ak.,Ca}, keywords = {Growth, LocalOwn Revenue (LOR), General Allocation Fund (GAF), and Allocation of Regional Expenditure}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/26603/}, abstract = {Regional autonomy in 2001 in Indonesia have a reason to give local governments the freedom to manage the regions. With this is expected local governments can promote the region and prosper the community. For this purpose, this research is conducted to find out how the influence of Economic Growth, Local Own Revenue (LOR) and General Allocation Fund (GAF) to Local Expenditure Allocation in Regency / City of Povinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. The analytical method used is Regresi Data Panel with the help of Eviews 8. Secondary data used is time series data period 2005-2014 and cross section data that is in the Regency / City in DIY. The independent variables consist of Economic Growth, Local Own Revenue (LOR) and General Allocation Fund (GAF), while the dependent variable is Regional Expenditure Allocation. The results showed that the variable of Local Own Revenue (LOR) and General Allocation Fund (GAF) simultaneously and partially have a positive and significant influence to the Regional Expenditure Allocation in the Regency / City in DIY. While the Economic Growth simultaneously and partially not significant with the Regional Expenditure Allocation in the Regency / City in DIY. The value of R in this study is 0.948084. This shows that 94.8084 percent of the Regional Expenditure Allocation in Regency / City in DIY is influenced by independent variables and the remaining 5.1916 percent influenced by variables outside the model.} }