%A NIM. 13810153 MUHAMMAD JUNDI FAUZAN %O Dr. Ibnu Qizam, SE., Akt., M.Si %T ANALISIS FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI KETAHANAN PANGAN PADI DI PROVINSI JAWA BARAT %X This research aims to find out the factor of social economic, consist of amount of population (X1), amount of the poor population (X2), amount of industry (X3), and region own source revenue (X4) that most affect to the food security in Province Jawa Barat. The research applied on agricultural land which scattered in 27 district/city in Province Jawa Barat, with a sample amount 6 district were taken by purposive sampling. Data analyze which used is descriptive research to explain the data and a description of the research, wheareas for analyzing quantitative data using panel regression analysis. Result of research conducted showed that the result of the panel regression analysis it appears that the factor of social economic, consist of amount of population (X1), amount of the poor population (X2), amount of industry (X3), and region own source revenue (X4) only two variable has a positive and significant impact on the food security in Province Jawa Barat. The test result showed that the measurement of the factor of social economic most dominan variables influencing food security is the amount of population (X2) and amount of industry (X3). Tthis is due to the amount of the poor population and amount of industry variable has the largest regression coefficient values as well as having the least significant value of the variable amount of population and variable region own source revenue. %K Amount of population, amount of the poor population, amount of industry, region own source revenue, and food security. %D 2017 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib26610