@phdthesis{digilib26640, month = {March}, title = {ISOLASI DAN IDENTIFIKASI BAKTERI ASAM LAKTAT PENGHAMBAT ALFA GLUKOSIDASE DARI BUAH KERSEN (Muntingia calabura L.) DAN BUAH CIPLUKAN (Physalis angulata L.)}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM. 11640005 SURYANI}, year = {2017}, note = {Andri Frediansyah, M.Sc., Jumailatus Solihah, M.Biotech.}, keywords = {alpha-glucosidase, lactic acid bacteria, antidiabetic, Muntingia calabura, Physalis angulata}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/26640/}, abstract = {Alpha-glucosidase enzyme plays a role in hydrolyzing of complex carbohydrates into simple sugars, so that one alternative treatment of diabetes is to hinder the performance of the enzyme. In general, the use of oral diabetes medications could cause side effects. Exploration of lactic acid bacteria from kersen fruit (Muntingia calabura L.) and ciplukan fruit (Physalis angulata L.) is one way to get new inhibitor agent of the enzyme alpha-glucosidase. Bacterial isolation was performed by inoculating the samples on agar medium (pour plate). The isolates were further purified by streak plate technique then conventionally characterized and tested for their activity of the enzyme alpha-glucosidase inhibition. The assay for activity of the enzyme alpha-glucosidase inhibition was performed using a microplate reader 96-wellplate with p-Nitrophenyl-{\ensuremath{\alpha}}-D-glucopyranoside as substrate. Identification of lactic acid bacteria with 16S rDNA. The bacterial isolation resulted 31 isolates of lactic acid bacteria. The highest alpha-glucosidase inhibition value resulted from kersen isolates the TL 2.7 was 69.90 {$\pm$} 0.02\% and from ciplukan isolates CP 7.7 was 69.74 {$\pm$} 1.00\%. The isolate TL 2.7 allegedly was identified as Lactobacillus pentosus and the isolate CP 7.7 was identified as Lactococcus lactis.} }