%A NIM. 12650020 AFHAMULHASAN NOOR ROSYID %O Aulia Faqih Rifa’i M.Kom. %T ANALISIS PERBANDINGAN PERFORMA VGA 64BIT DAN 128BIT MENGGUNAKAN UJI T TEST %X VGA is an important hardware in PC and laptop to process graphics. In the VGA compiler specification, there is a component called bus width that serves as the width of the path for transferring data. Buyers who still lay less care about the amount of bandwidth that impact on VGA performance. This research uses descriptive and inferential quantitative approach with Ttest method. Quantitative descriptive is used to present the results of the both benchmark VGA. The T-test is used to compare the average of two groups of unrelated VGA buswidth samples to find out what the average difference and significance are. Twenty-five games will be given low, medium, and heavy load scenarios and then loaded the FPS performance logs of each load and then analyzed. Based on those backgrounds, the average FPS score of three test scenarios of the 128bit VGA GT740M is low 40.70 FPS, medium 27.67 FPS and High 12.69 FPS weight, while the average value on the 64bit GT840M VGA test is low 43.32 medium FPS, 29.82 FPS, and high 14.09 FPS. With t test test result P value higher than α (Ho accepted) and t value is negative which means there is no significant mean difference but the average value of FPS VGA GT 840M 64bit is superior. %K Buswidth, T-Test, VGA, FPS. %D 2017 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib26708