%A NIM. 1520011043 APRILIA MARDIASTUTI %O Dr. Anis Masruri, S.Ag., SIP., M.Si. %T EFEKTIVITAS BIMBINGAN PEMAKAIAN SUMBER-SUMBER RUJUKAN (BPSR) TERHADAP KECEMASAN DI PERPUSTAKAAN (LIBRARY ANXIETY) PADA MAHASISWA PASCASARJANA UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA YOGYAKARTA %X The Gadjah Mada University Library is a dynamics university library of research universities that adheres to technological, research, and research-based learning that focuses on postgraduate programs. The change resulted in anxiety on students when they would use library facilities, especially Gadjah Mada University Postgraduate Student as the focus of research university program. As a service unit, the role of Gadjah Mada University Library provides guide, instruction, and information to students, through the Guide to the Reference Materials (BPSR). The purpose of this study is to determine the level of library anxiety and the effectiveness of BPSR on the library anxiety among Graduate Student of Gadjah Mada University. The method used in this study is experimental research, with a quantitative approach. The sample of research is 50 people divided into two groups, that is experiment group is 25 students and control group is 25 students. Data collection techniques using library anxiety questionnaire before and after BPSR. The questionnaire used is the Library Anxiety questionnaire that has been developed by Sharon L. Bostick into five sub-variables of anxiety, including: 1) barriers with staff; 2) affective barriers; 3) library comfort barriers; 4) library knowledge barriers; and 5) technological barriers. Questionnaires were distributed to respondents before and after BPSR. The formula of percentage, mean and grand mean used in the presentations of the datas. Range of datas are obtained by the formula R. While the t-test by using Wilcoxon signed rank test to know the difference of library anxiety level. The results showed that the level of library anxiety in the experiment group before BPSR was 4.90 or very high anxiety while after BPSR was 1.09 or no anxiety. While the level of library anxiety in the control group did not change significantly about 4.89 and 4.86 or very high anxiety level. It can be concluded that BPSR has been effective in lowering the level of library anxiety in Gadjah Mada University Postgraduate Student. Related to the topics, the model of library guide that has been done a lot to consider an attitude that has not been the main focus, that is library anxiety. %K Library anxiety, Guide to the Reference Materials (BPSR) %D 2017 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib27533