<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "RALPH’S DUALISM AS SEEN IN “WRECK IT RALPH” MOVIE\r\nA GRADUATING PAPER"^^ . "Superhero is one of theme that is used in movie. This theme also can educate\r\nchildren whose watch it about good and evil. The children understand a hero is good\r\nand the villain is bad. Most villains is treated badly, this also happens in Wreck It\r\nRalph Movie, an animation from Disney Animation Studios. This movie takes setting\r\nin the arcade game center. When the game mode has off, the other characters get\r\nalong well. But this is not happen in Fix-It Felix Jr. game, even though they are not\r\nin game mode, the Nicelanders still hate and scared to Ralph because he wrecks the\r\nNicelanders penthouse. Ralph as the main character has two side of himself. Ralph\r\nhas different characterization between the game and outside the game. He has bad\r\nside and good side. There is dualism in Ralph. This research uses Binary Opposition\r\ntheory to show the significance from the dualism of Ralph character. There is one\r\nproblem that need to answer in this research and that is “What is the significance of\r\nthe dualism in Ralph in the “Wreck-It Ralph” movie?”. This research uses qualitative\r\nmethod. After analyzes the data, the researcher find out that there are some binary\r\nopposition in Ralph character. The binary oppositions can be seen from Ralph\r\nReality vs Hyper-Reality which consist of Protagonist x Antagonist, Emphaty vs\r\nAntiphaty and Timid vs Bold. The Reality of Ralph consists of old, protagonist,\r\nemphaty and timid, while the Hyper-Reality of Ralph consists of young, antagonist,\r\nAntipathy and bold. It shows the main binary opposition and that is Nurture vs\r\nNature. The reality from Ralph happens because of the influence from his\r\nenvirontment, while the hyper-reality happens because it is his nature\r\ncharacterization as a character that is invented for the game, Pahlawan adalah salah satu tema film yang seringkali digunakan dalam film. Tema ini juga\r\nbisa digunakan untuk mendidik anak-anak yang menontonnya tentang kebaikan dan\r\nkejahatan. Anak-anak paham bahwa seorang Pahlawan itu baik dan penjahatnya jahat.\r\nKebanyakan penjahat diperlakukan secara buruk, hal ini terjadi di film Wreck It Ralph,\r\nsebuah animasi dari Studio Animasi Disney. Film ini berlatar disebuah pusat permainan.\r\nSetelah mode game mati, para karakter game bisa akur terhadap satu sama lain. Tetapi ini\r\ntidak berlaku di game Fix-it Felix Jr, walaupun setelah game berakhir, para Nicelander masih\r\nmembenci dan takut kepada Ralph karena dia menghancurkan rumah tempat tinggal\r\nNiclander. Ralph adalah pemeran utama yang memiliki dua sisi pada dirinya. Ralph\r\nmemiliki sifat yang berbeda didalam dan diluar game. Yang pertama adalah baik dan yang\r\nlainnya adalah jahat. Ada dualisme pada diri Ralph. penelitian ini menggunakan teori oposisi\r\nbiner untuk menunjukkan signifikansi dari dualisme yang dimiliki oleh Ralph. Ada satu\r\npertanyaan yang harus dijawab, yaitu apa signifikansi dari dualisme yang dimiliki oleh Ralph\r\ndidalam film “Wreck-It Ralph”?”. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Setelah\r\ndianalisis, peneliti menemukan bahwa ada beberapa oposisi biner pada karakter Ralph yaitu\r\nkenyataan vs diluar kenyataan yang terdiri dari protagonist vs antagonis, empati vs antipati,\r\npenyegan vs pemberani. Sifat nyata Ralph terdiri dari tua, protagonis, empati, dan penyegan,\r\nsedangkan sifat diluar kenyataannya adalah muda, antagonis, antipati, pemberani. Hal ini\r\nmenunjukkan bahwa ada oposisi biner utama yang ingin ditunjukkan yakni didikan vs alam.\r\nYang mana sifat nyata Ralph adalah hasil dari pengaruh sekitarnya dan sifat diluar\r\nkenyataanya adalah sifat bawaan alamiahnya sebagai karakter yang diciptakan untuk\r\ngamenya."^^ . "2017-08-11" . . . . "UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . "FAKULTAS ADAB DAN ILMU BUDAYA, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . . . . . . . "NIM. 13150036"^^ . "DIAN MARHAMAH"^^ . "NIM. 13150036 DIAN MARHAMAH"^^ . . . . . . "RALPH’S DUALISM AS SEEN IN “WRECK IT RALPH” MOVIE\r\nA GRADUATING PAPER (Text)"^^ . . . . . "13150036_BAB-I_IV-atau-V_DAFTAR-PUSTAKA.pdf"^^ . . . "RALPH’S DUALISM AS SEEN IN “WRECK IT RALPH” MOVIE\r\nA GRADUATING PAPER (Text)"^^ . . . . . "RALPH’S DUALISM AS SEEN IN “WRECK IT RALPH” MOVIE\r\nA GRADUATING PAPER (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "RALPH’S DUALISM AS SEEN IN “WRECK IT RALPH” MOVIE\r\nA GRADUATING PAPER (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "RALPH’S DUALISM AS SEEN IN “WRECK IT RALPH” MOVIE\r\nA GRADUATING PAPER (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "RALPH’S DUALISM AS SEEN IN “WRECK IT RALPH” MOVIE\r\nA GRADUATING PAPER (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . . "RALPH’S DUALISM AS SEEN IN “WRECK IT RALPH” MOVIE\r\nA GRADUATING PAPER (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "RALPH’S DUALISM AS SEEN IN “WRECK IT RALPH” MOVIE\r\nA GRADUATING PAPER (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "RALPH’S DUALISM AS SEEN IN “WRECK IT RALPH” MOVIE\r\nA GRADUATING PAPER (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "RALPH’S DUALISM AS SEEN IN “WRECK IT RALPH” MOVIE\r\nA GRADUATING PAPER (Other)"^^ . . . . . "HTML Summary of #27642 \n\nRALPH’S DUALISM AS SEEN IN “WRECK IT RALPH” MOVIE \nA GRADUATING PAPER\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "Sastra Inggris" . .