%A NIM. 10390061 JALIN RIDHA FITHRA %O Drs. Akhmad Yusuf Khoiruddin, M.Si %T PENGARUH PENGETAHUAN SANTRI TENTANG PERBANKAN SYARIAH TERHADAP MINAT MENGGUNAKAN JASA PERBANKAN SYARIAH (STUDI KASUS SANTRI PONDOK PESANTREN ULUL ALBAB YOGYAKARTA) %X Sharia banking in Indonesia today is rapidly developed since first existence in 1992. It is proved by market share rating on 5%. However, this expansion is quite slow if compared with sharia banking in Malaysia that exist since 1983 with market share rating on 40-50%. It is happening probably because less of knowledge about sharia banking among society. This research is discuss about influence of sharia banking’s knowledge to interest of using sharia banking’s service. Infulence variabel here is divided to three independent variables, which is knowledge variabel of definition, prinsiple, and product of sharia banking. Santri is selected as research’s object cause santri and pesantren is part of society who learn about Islamic tenet exhaustively, which it will be found an existence of knowledge’s influence to student’s interest who studied in Islamic education’s institution. This research is using case and field research method with simple random sampling method that have 42 santri as sample. Hypothesis testing is using analysis of multiple linear regression with R square test, partial test, and simultant test. Result of partial test research is refer that only knowledge of prinsiple who have influence to santri’s interest of using sharia banking’s service, but after simultant test, all independent variable is influence to santri’s interest of using sharia banking’s service. %K Interest, Influence, Sharia banking, Santri %D 2017 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib27744