%A NIM. 13390015 RATIH SETYATI OKTAVINIA %O Dr. Ibnu Qizam, SE., M.Si., Al., CA %T ANALISIS EFISIENSI DAN PENGARUHNYA TERHADAP KINERJA KEUANGAN PERUSAHAAN: STUDI PADA PERUSAHAAN ASURANSI SYARIAH INDONESIA MENGGUNAKAN METODE DEA %X The research aimed to know efficiency level of the Syariah Insurance in Indonesia and analyze the effect of financial performance. The object of research was 25 Syariah Insurance companies that officially registered in OJK (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan) on period 2014-2016 and divided to three groups as General Insurance Unit Syariah that had 11 companies, Life Insurance Unit Syariah that had 12 companies, and Life Incurance Syariah that had 2 companies. In this research, the researcher used two methods. First, the research method was Data Envelopment Analysis using software DEAP 2.1 for knowing efficiency level of the Syariah Insurance in Indonesia. Variable input is used as asset, payment of claims, and expenses. Variable output is used as gross contribution, and revenues. The second method was Regresi Data Panel using software Eviews 8. Financial performance that is used profitability to counted through ratio ROA (Return on Asset), ROE (Return on Equity), and ROI (Return on Invesment). The result of DEA showed that average relative efficiency level of the Insurance Syariah Company was 0,881 or 88%. The nine of companies was able to stay on efficient condition during the research. The result of Regresi Data Panel showed that there were the positive effect and significance. ROA had the biggest effect of significance 0,000 and coefficient of determination 0.911563. The more the company approaches the efficiency level 100% then it would be followed by increasing in financial performance calculated through ROA, ROE, and ROI. %K efficiency, Data Envelopment Analysis, profitability, Syariah Insurance %D 2017 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib27765