%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A DANANG GUSTADI, NIM. 13390026 %B FAKULTAS EKONOMI DAN BISNIS ISLAM %D 2017 %F digilib:27766 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K the influence of the amount of premium, the quality of service, the level of trust and risk of interest to become customers of sharia insurance %T PENGARUH BESARAN PREMI, KUALITAS PELAYANAN, TINGKAT KEPERCAYAAN DAN RISIKO TERHADAP MINAT MENJADI NASABAH ASURANSI SYARIAH (STUDI MAHASISWA FEBI UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA) %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/27766/ %X The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of the premium size, service quality, the level of trust and risk to the interest of the faculty of economics and Islamic business students of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta to become the Takaful customers. The sample of this research is 90 students of faculty of economics and business of Islam UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. Data analysis technique used in this research is doubled linear regression. The results of this study indicate that the variable size of premium, service quality, level of trust and risk simultaneously have an effect on and significance to the interest of the student to become customer of sharia insurance. Partially variable of premium amount, level of trust and risk have an effect on signifikan to student interest become customer of sharia insurance. While the service quality variable that has a significant negative effect on the interest of the student to become the customer of sharia insurance. Coefficient of determination shows 44.3% it proves that the dependent variable of interest to customers of sharia insurance can be explained by independent variable of premium size, quality of service, level of trust and risko equal to 44,3%. While the remaining 55.7% is explained by other variables outside of this study such as promotion, Islamic insurance literacy, student residence of business actors and others %Z Dr. H. Syafiq Mahmadah Hanafi, M.Ag