%A NIM. 10710102 YUDIT ARAZI YAHYA %O Maya Fitria, S. Psi, M.A %T RESILIENSI ORANG TUA YANG MEMILIKI ANAK AUTISTIK (STUDI FENOMENOLOGI ORANG TUA MEMILIKI ANAK AUTISIK YANG MENEMPUH PENDIDIKAN DI SEKOLAH INKLUSI) %X This study aims to find out and explore the image resilience and resilience factors parents have autistic children who attend school inclusion schools. The method used in this research is qualitative method with phenomenology approach. Data collection techniques using observation methods and semi structured interview with data analysis techniques consist of data codification phase, data presentation, and conclusion. The results show that the resilience of parents with autistic children is influenced by internal factors (faith in God, spirit and belief can change circumstances), and external factors (large families, medical staff and educators). Picture of resilience of parent have autistic child of change of feeling to become spirit of child healing (emotional regulation), parents have autistic children can suppress the trauma of having autistic child and dare to have child back (impulse control), can anticipate problems that will confront, parent Always encouraging the healing of children continues, and parents dare to do anything to heal their children. Although both family informants have good resilience but the parents' family (Yati and Yadi) feel that they have not got the lessons from the difficulties experienced by the informants or can be inferred to be less acceptable, it makes the informant easy to feel emotionally and tired affectively. While the parents informant 2 (Yani and Yono) have better acceptance, making the parent's family 2 more enjoy the process and feel the meaning. %K resilinsi, parents have children Autistic, school inclusion %D 2017 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib27788