%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A SABRIANI, NIM. 12710080 %B FAKULTAS ILMU SOSIAL DAN HUMANIORA %D 2017 %F digilib:27813 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K marriage satisfaction, woman, elopment %T KEPUASAN PERNIKAHAN PADA PEREMPUAN YANG MELAKUKAN SIPALAIYANG (KAWIN LARI) DI KEC. CAMPALAGIAN KAB. POLEWALI MANDAR SULAWESI BARAT %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/27813/ %X The purpose of this research is to describe in depth marital satisfaction of women who marriage by sipalaiyang (elopment),), factors of the affect the marriage satisfaction, and the cause of the occurrence sipalaiyang (elopement). The informants in this study are individuals who have been married by sipalaiyang (elopment). This research uses qualitative method with phenomenology approach. The data collections of this methods using interviews and observation. The results showed that the marriage satisfaction of the three informants is characterized by the intimacy between husband and wife, good communication patterns, and religious beliefs. The factors that can affect the marriage satisfaction of women who marriage by sipalaiyang (elopment) include the factors of residence, the presence of children in the household, financial condition, sexual relations, and social support factors. While the cause of the occurrence of women who do sipalaiyang (elopment) because there are several reasons, among others, is to refuse matchmaking, resignation in the proposal, siri factors' (self-esteem), unwed pregnancy, The pressure of the family, and the confidence of the spouse. %Z Satih Saidiyah, Dipl., Psy., M.Si