%A NIM. 13710007 FITRI AMILIAH %O Satih Saidiyah, Dipl. Psy.,M.Si %T GAMBARAN RESILIENSI PADA TUNANETRA DI YOGYAKARTA %X The purpose of this research is to know the picture of resilience that is owned by the blind, and the meaning of blindness to the blindness. The theoretical benefit of this study is to enrich the empirical evidence of studies related to resilience in the blind. So hopefully able to motivate other blind to continue to struggle to live life. The research method used in this research is qualitative method with type of phenomenology research. This study focuses on the image of resilience and the meaning of informants to the blindness experienced. Informants in this study berjumalh three people. The first informant was FR Bantul original man who had blindness with total blind specs since 2012 due to glaucoma. The second informant is RW, the man from Wates who has been totally blind since sixth grade elementary school due to an accident while playing football, the eyes that kicked a friend when playing. The third informant was SN, a woman from Blora who had low vision from birth, her impairment caused by the mother who used to take the drug to abort the content while containing the SN informant. The result of this research are three informants have different resilience picture. FR informants are able to excel in the field of economy, RW informants able to perform in the field of organization and politics, and SN informants able to excel in the field of music art and drag votes. The most favorable factors for resilience in each informant are social support and religious factors. %K Resilience, Blindness %D 2017 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib27815