%A NIM. 10650022 RAHMADHANI MINARTA %O Sumarsono, S.T., M.Kom. %T IMPLEMENTASI AUGMENTED REALITY DALAM PENGENALAN BUAH DAN BINATANG PADA ANAK USIA DINI %X Utilization technology of augmented reality as a medium of learning ablution aims to interest student learning as well as to provide a different experience in receiving material the introduction of fruits and animals. The introduction of fruits and animals application based on augmented reality displays 3D object. Application built for mobile device powered by android. From the result of the testing device, the application can run perfectly on a device with specs above of RAM 1,5GB. The parameters of distances, the lighting and the angle of tilt camera also have an effect on the output of animation 3D object fruits and animals. Minimum distance application can display an animated 3D object with perfect fruits and animals is 15 cm with the sun lighting criteria (cloudy) and the angle of little of the camera is 0 degrees. Testing is also done to the kindergarten students to assess the effectiveness. %K Augmented Reality, Android, fruits and animals, learning media %D 2017 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib27978